Book Review: Prediction Machines If you’re going to be working in technology for more than 10 years, you should read this book. It’s written by a set of economists
“Book” Review: Beyond the Phoenix Project This “book” is actually a set of conversations recorded by John Willis and Gene Kim. The main thing I can offer by way of advice
My Next Move: IBM “Journey to the Cloud” I’m really excited to announce that I’ve taken a job with IBM, in their advisory cloud consulting service. The team I’ll be leading will be
Clever Idea: Leave The House Out of It (my app) One of my favorite experiences has always been going to Las Vegas on an NFL Sunday. Looking at all of the potential wagers, reading up
Book Review: War, Peace, & IT by Mark Schwartz The book bills itself as being for the CEO that’s looking to make sense of how the changes in IT should change the way they
Clever Idea: Serverless is Commitmentless I’ve decided to start a bit of a series of blog posts called “Clever Idea”. I’ll use the space to talk about something I’m working
Book Review: Algorithms To Live By This book has a clever punch line… “What can we as humans learn from computers about how to approach problems that face us in every
Clever Idea – Invitations with Angular and OAuth I’ve decided to start a bit of a series of blog posts called “Clever Idea”. I’ll use the space to talk about something I’m working
Book Review: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism I had extremely high hopes for this book after listening to an interview with the author. Unfortunately, most of what I liked about the book
Book Review: Who Can You Trust? by Rachel Botsman I was inspired to read this book by an interview with Botsman on a podcast I listen to. It’s based on a compelling overall narrative…